Book Cover Escapades

'Never judge a book by its cover...' (English idiom), I can't recall how many times I've heard this. Except... I do. There I said it, I absolutely judge a book by its cover, in particular when its my book! The next phase of my writing adventure started out well enough, I emailed the final draft of my manuscript off to the publishing team, attended the introductory meeting, and then thought (hoped?) I could sit back and wait for the finished product to arrive. Ha! How wrong I was, I came to realise that my hard work had only just started! The writing aspect, pffft that was a walk in the park compared to this next phase. Strike one I have always maintained that sometimes it's better to not know what I am getting myself into, and rather just take whatever process I am in as it comes. This was a prime example of such a situation, and only served to reinforce my belief. I started to appreciate the requirement for active involvement when I rec...