The Fruit Situation

Five years ago, ‘Let’s plant some fruit trees’, sounded like a good idea. Gerhard and I paid a visit to our local nursery and selected a few (small) plants. We were soon the proud parents of a miniature orchard comprising a variety of plants, including one tiny peach tree and an even smaller apricot tree. The trees grew (as plants do), and their branches currently reach well beyond the roof of our home. The year 2020 can be described as one fraught with challenges, weird occurrences, and some surprising adventures. Our fruit trees clearly wanted a piece of the 2020 action and decided to pick this particular year to flourish. Early in September numerous pretty pink flowers signaled the onset of spring and promised fruit in the not too distant future. I didn't pay too much attention at the time - I had other things on my mind, not least of which was my very long 'to do' list as a result of the pending release of my book. Towards the end of November, Gerhard remarked 'The ...